2018ArtistasGenerosMetalNightwishYear Release

Nightwish – Decades (iTunes Plus) (2018)



Nuclear Blast Entertainment

1.The Greatest Show on Earth (Remastered)
2.Élan (Remastered)
3.My Walden (Remastered)
4.Storytime (Remastered)
5.I Want My Tears Back (Remastered)
6.Amaranth (Remastered)
7.The Poet and the Pendulum (Remastered)
8.Nemo (Remastered)
9.Wish I Had an Angel (Remastered)
10.Ghost Love Score (Remastered)
11.Slaying the Dreamer (Remastered)
12.End of All Hope (Remastered)
13.10th Man Down (Remastered)
14.The Kingslayer (Remastered)
15.Dead Boy’s Poem (Remastered)
16.Gethsemane (Remastered)
17.Devil & the Deep Dark Ocean (Remastered)
18.Sacrament of Wilderness (Remastered)
19.Sleeping Sun (Remastered)
20.Elvenpath (Remastered)
21.The Carpenter (Remastered)
22.Nightwish (Demo) [Remastered]



Invaders Must Die


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